It seems to me that at the very least, biology and anatomy would benefit from the University of Utah's Science site. There are a great deal of interactive options, as well as a what they label "PRINT AND GO LESSON PLANS" Check it out!
The Genetic Science Learning Center is a science and health education program at the University of Utah. Their mission is making science easy for everyone to understand.
To achieve their mission, their web site provides educational materials and programs
To achieve their mission, their web site provides educational materials and programs
These include two websites, available free of charge to Internet users worldwide:
Learn.Genetics delivers educational materials on genetics, bio science and health topics. They are designed to be used by students, teachers and members of the public. The materials meet selected US education standards for science and health.
Teach.Genetics provides resources for K-12 teachers, higher education faculty, and public educators. These include PDF-based Print-and-Go™ activities, unit plans and other supporting resources. The materials are designed to support and extend the materials on Learn.Genetics.