Several weeks ago Ellen DeGeneres discovered FACEBOOK. She talked on her show for days about the social network site and being connected with friends, family and fans. Being a fan, I like many others signed on to "Be a fan". Then the fun started... It seemed that every 10 minutes, during what I assume was the duration of her show, there would be postings. There are video clips of funny things that happen, comments on guests, prize opportunities, etc, etc.
Flashforward to a discussion of the survey taken by the PAW PRINT(the PSHS student newspaper) that indicated that upwards of 80% of our students' greatest obsession is technology. Social networking sites like FACEBOOK are a huge part of that "obsession."
Of course, the arguement is that the site is blocked in school-so what good is a presence? My feeling is that because our learning community can only view it off site and off hours, it is the perfect vehicle to stay connected. We can communicate in the evenings, week-ends, vacations and summer using something that they claimed to be "obsessed" with.
Thus began PSHS-Not Your Ordinary Media Center
I don't know if this is going to work or not. I don't know how much work it will be. All I know is that overnight on our first evening of exsistance, we added 14"fans". Good? I don't know-- all I know is that there are now 14 people out there who will find out what we are doing in the Media Center at Plainfield South and why are are "not your ordinary media center."
Stay tuned-- it's a work in progress!
By the way- become a fan-- it might be fun!