One of my passions has always been music. My abilities to create and/or perform are fair at best. I love the ability to add music to my photos, videos, presentations, etc. That said, part of our job in schools is help students understand the appropriate(and legal) use of music in their presentation. The whole "fair use" and copyright laws always become an issue as projects are created. Kids want to use music that they know or at least something that they like.
Cathy Newsome has a GREAT site dealing with this issue, complete with charts and FAQs.
My favorite site for music to use in school presentations is FREEPLAY MUSIC.
The site has a terrific variety of music and an amazing search engine. Their licensing says :"FreePlayMusic grants free master recording and synchronization rights to students, to the FPM Production Music Library, when FPM music is used by students within a school or class assignment to be viewed only in the classroom or within the school." PERFECT! Music can be download as .mP3s which is perfect for inclusion in most kinds of presentations. I can recommend this higly enough as a place to obtain music for all kinds of presentations and projects.
I also just read about Free Music Archive, a social music website built around a curated library of free, legal audio. It's a work in progress for sure, but looks and sounds like something kids would like.