English and Math- this is for you.
First-English teachers check out ClassicReader.com. Classic Reader was created by a Canadian company in 2000. All books published on the Classic Reader website are out-of-copyright, meaning their copyright protection has expired. This means you won't find the latest Stephen King, Tom Clancy, etc. You will find classic literary works from the start of the 20th century and previous centuries, from authors like Charles Dickens, Jules Verne, William Shakespeare and more.All of the books in the Classic Reader collection are the full unabridged versions. And, since all of the books in the Classic Reader collection are in the public domain (expired copyright)they may be used in any way you wish.
Finally, here is the cool part- if you create an account for yourself--or use mine
(username:cfloros password:cougar), you can then annotate the works.
Seems to me that especially for some of the hard to read(understand) Shakespear works, that annotating(interpreting) would be of great assistance to stuggling readers. (Tip of the hat to Stephanie Stashak!)
Math-this might be a fun review possibility for fractions and ratios. Arcademic Skill Builders are research-based and standards-aligned educational games. The games have incorporated features of arcade games into fun online games. Unfortunately, most of the games are elementary--but I would think that the fractions/ratio games might be useful. Check out the SMART lab(130) or a SMARTBOARD and try them!
3 hours ago