If you find yourself looking for some good "week in review" news summaries, following are some great resources:
The Week in Rap may be my favorite and certainly the most entertaining news summary that I have seen. As the name implies, every week a new rap music video summarizes the the week's news. (It is produced by Flocabulary. Flocabulary is the publisher of multimedia educational tools. They create original hip-hop music and standards-based curricular materials to teach academic content for grades 3-12.) It is fast paced entertaining review. For those who are leary of hip-hop--The lyrics are published as well-All very appropriately done and presented. you can even SUBSCRIBE and get the video each Friday.
Check it out:
For those looking for a more traditional review of the week-I have two options:
The New York Times offers a version based on all of their content from the preceding week. The collection includes articles and images of political and cultural news.
MSNBC offers The Week in Pictures - a slideshow of images with captions of the week's biggest news stories.
Finally, MSNBC also offers a week's worth of political cartoons .
Thanks to Richard Byrne!
3 hours ago