This is be the last formal, tech resource blog for the school year. Thanks for your comments throughout the year--I hope that some of this is useful in your classrooms. Following is great way to end the year.
Summer provides most of us with the opportunity to travel, spend time with family and friends and probably take lots of photographs. Instead of leaving those photos on the memory stick or just dumping them into a folder on your computer, how about a quick way to make them into something that you can be proud to share. Thus, ANIMOTO!
Animoto is a free, web tool for making professional quality videos from your images and music. The advantage Animoto has over other online video creation is that Animoto does the hard work of building transitions and timings for you. Making an Animoto video is a simple two step process, upload your images then select your music, Animoto does the rest for you.
Memorial Day week-end, I traveled to Tacomoa, WA to see my niece graduate from Pacific Lutheran University. As you can image, proud parents, grandparents, and aunts took photos to commemorate the event. The following video took me about five minutes to create through ANIMOTO. ENJOY:
Animoto is a simple way for students to create products that they can be proud of. I hope that you will create something that you are proud of. Videos can be dowloaded, added to blogs, emailed and even made to DVD(for a $5 fee by ANIMITO)
Have a terrific summer!
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