I wrote about this site, last year, but feels it necessitates an update:
The Week in Rap(weekinrap.com) may be my favorite and is certainly the most entertaining news summary that I have seen. As the name implies, every week a new rap music video summarizes the week's news. (It is produced by Flocabulary. Flocabulary is the publisher of multimedia educational tools. They create original hip-hop music and standards-based curricular materials to teach academic content for grades 3-12.) It is fast paced entertaining review. For those who are leary of hip-hop--The lyrics are published as well-All very appropriately done and presented.
The update is this:
In many buildings the video is blocked- I guess Vimeo.com is the new YouTube BUT
Channel One(the leading television news network for teens nationwide) now has picked up the video and published it on their site- I will try to remember to post the link each Friday when it comes out - It is worth your time
The Week In Rap - ChannelOne
41 minutes ago