I'm not entirely sure that this has ANY relevance to school or classroom use-but admit it- It has happened to you!
"It's bound to happen at some point. You bend over a body of water (be it a lake, a pond, the tub or the toilet), forgetting that your valuable gadget was sitting in your pocket. We say "was sitting" because it's since slipped out and is now taking a swim with the fishes (or worse, in the case of the toilet example).
First things first, fish the offending gadget out of the water, cry for a little while then go to the store and drop few hundred on a replacement. Or, you could just drop it into a
Bheestie Bag to dry outand hope for the best."
I can't say that I have personally tested this--but will admit that I wish I had know about this when I was caught in a driving rain storm at Great America and every kid on the field trip was calling to try to find our bus-Safe kids--dead phone
35 minutes ago