Friday, October 01, 2010

Changing the World--One Map at a time

Here a new way to visualize our world based on different kinds of information.

Show World is created by Mapping Worlds, an Amsterdam-based company that develops custom interactive data applications. They take demographic, economic, environmental, and political data and create maps based on that data.

Initially, you have the opportunity to take a world view or a US view(Japan is also available). Then, select a subject from the top menu and watch the countries (or states)on the map change their size based on various kinds of data. Each time you select a different data set, the size of each country increases or decreases in comparison to other countries. For example, if you select the data set about steel production, the size of China is huge relative to African countries. On the other hand, if you select the data set for students not in school, the African countries swell while China decreases in size.

Show World is a great way for students to visually interpret data. What a great discussion starter this could be. It could also be the starting point for research about the economic and social conditions of countries around the world.

Thanks to Richard Byrne for the tip!