Young people have been immersed in technology since elementary school. They download music, Google their homework, and are constantly IMing friends. They check email before dinner, and tweak their Facebook page before bed. While they're doing all of this, they also need to protect themselves.
Own Your Own Space is an ebook designed to educate tweens and teens about protecting themselves and their "stuff" online. This book is about keeping safe—protecting your data, your identity, and yourself without giving up all the great stuff the Net puts at your fingertips. It isn't a fluffy, general overview book. Each chapter goes into great detail explaining the technical threats that students' computers face online as well as the personal threats to data that can also be threatened.
Chapters include:
Chapter 1: Know Your Villains
Chapter 2: Drive-By Malicious Code
Chapter 3: Data Grabbers and Dumpers
Chapter 4: Spy vs. Spy
Chapter 5: Giving Spam the Curb
Chapter 6: Pretenders and Pirates
Chapter 7: Phishing for Dollars
Chapter 8: Taming the Cookie Monster
Chapter 9: Safe Cyber-Shopping
Chapter 10: Private Blogs and Public Places
Chapter 11: Any Port in a Storm
Chapter 12: Look Pa, No Strings!
Chapter 13: Protective Tools
Chapter 14: Tweaks
Appendix A: A Check List for Mom and Dad
Chapters include:
Chapter 1: Know Your Villains
Chapter 2: Drive-By Malicious Code
Chapter 3: Data Grabbers and Dumpers
Chapter 4: Spy vs. Spy
Chapter 5: Giving Spam the Curb
Chapter 6: Pretenders and Pirates
Chapter 7: Phishing for Dollars
Chapter 8: Taming the Cookie Monster
Chapter 9: Safe Cyber-Shopping
Chapter 10: Private Blogs and Public Places
Chapter 11: Any Port in a Storm
Chapter 12: Look Pa, No Strings!
Chapter 13: Protective Tools
Chapter 14: Tweaks
Appendix A: A Check List for Mom and Dad
The book is available to download as a complete book or as individual chapters compliments of Microsoft and is also linked on the PSHS Student Resources page.
The book is written by Linda McCarthy, a Security Architect in the office of the CTO at Symantec. Linda has been in the security field for over a decade, and has broken into systems around the world to show executives how easy it is to break into their networks. A portion of the proceeds from this book have been designated by the author for nonprofit work to educate teens about Internet security.
Thanks to amazon.com for the information!