This is one of those: "If you can't beat 'em---- Join 'em" ideas!
My Fake Wall is a simple and free web service for creating a fake Facebook wall. To create a Fake Wall you do need to register for an account-Once you create an account you can create fake walls and post them online.
You start with an empty wall- then, by adding a few images, and some posts you can give the wall a more authentic look
Click here to see the beginning of the Fake Wall I created for Harry Potter.
To get other ideas check out other walls that have been created-on the home page as examples-Cinderella, John Lennon, etc
Applications for Education
Creating a fake Facebook page using My Fake Wall could be a fun way for students to publish information about historical figures-living and dead. Students could also use My Fake Wall to create fake Facebook pages about characters in the novels they read.