This week's information is kind of cool-- How 'bout a "Doodle for Google" contest?!!
I imagine that this will mosly appeal to the artists among our students-but none the less it is a cool contest- and ---everyone doodles!
A little history:
"Google doodles, the drawings that are designed on, around and through the Google logo on their home page, have long been part of Google's history. As a Google intern in 2000, Google Webmaster Dennis Hwang began celebrating and marking worldwide events and holidays with doodles. Since then, the work of the doodle team has been seen by millions and reached cult status, with fans waiting with bated breath to see the next creation on the Google homepage."
Here's the deal:
Have students play around with the GOOGLE homepage logo and see what new designs you can come up with. The theme is: "What I Wish for the World."
Entries need to include:
A doodle
A title for the doodle
A supporting statement explaining how the doodle relates to the "What I Wish for the World" theme .
I have registered PSHS. We can only supmit 6 entries as a school - so if you are interested in doing this as a class project- we will need to do some judging as a school.
Here are some doodle examples.
Here is contest specifics
Let's have some entries from PSHS!!