Once again, sentences using the 5 words of the week.
1. Tenacious
2. Incontrovertible
3. Prehensile
4. Winnow
5. Commodious
The prehensile CEOs of AIG and Wells Fargo should be winnowed out of their jobs because they are sitting in their commodious homes and offices, tenaciously justifying their bonuses and lavish surroundings in the face of incontrovertible evidence they were responsible for the downfall of their own companies.
The monkeys with the prehensile tails were being very tenacious about their commodious zoo environment ever since theincontrovertible aggression ensued when all the monkeys became upset and the keepers had to winnow out most of the artificial
components of their exhibit that were causing the upsetting behavior.
We have incontrovertible evidence that it was the monkey who used her prehensile tail to winnow the wheat and not the elephant, because the winnowing room is not sufficiently commodious for the elephant.
T Smith- (meant for fun and with NO MALICE toward anyone)
Unable to adjust to no longer living in a commodious home, Michael J cries himself to sleep every night; however, one night, his nose, which incontrovertibly had been winnowed away to next to nothing, fell off while he was blowing it, and unable to find it through his tears, Michael's new pet chimpanzee had to use his wonderfully prehensile hands to pick it up so it could be reattached.
The tenacious man found that the money he had winnowed in the commodious room by using his prehensile hands was incontrovertible after all
3 hours ago