Happily we are nearly at the half century mark in the number of fans to our Media Center Facebook experiment. Bribing kids with food increased our numbers as did a little cajoling. We continue to use the page as a way to communicate upcoming events, deadlines, new books and whatever we feel is new, interesting, or "not ordinary". It is fun and keeps us on our toes. Will we grow much more?? Not sure--but we are going to enter into a partnership the the English department for summer reading-It may provide another means of communicating with kids at their level and get them involved at the same time.
Much to our surprise, the District now is using TWITTER. Not to be outdone, we added TWITTER(PSHSCougars)and also grabbed "Plainfield South High School" on FACEBOOK(just so no one else would take the name). I've not become big TWEET fan-I'm not sure I like the limits of 140 characters. I also do not communicate on the fly-- I don't have a BLACKBERRY or Iphone or a web enabled phone--I still like my phone and my other electronics separate-- Kind of like I like nuts and chocolate but not together.
At any rate, we have already discovered some nice ways to use TWITTER- quick event reminders and CONGRATS to various groups/kids is just another way to communicate.
I'm not sure what all of this means-but I do know that it is here to stay at least for the foreseeable future-Those of you in the PSHS family- let me know-Suggestions? Comments? Ideas? It's a BRAVE NEW WORLD!