The Newseum is museum of news located in Washington DC — it offers visitors an experience that blends five centuries of news history with up-to-the-second technology and hands-on exhibits. It also has a terrific web site. Today's Front Pages is a part of that web site.It accesses the front page stories as they appear in the papers of the US and the world. The "dots" on the map indicate cities and a click gives you the front page. It is interesting to see what is important enought to appear on the the front page of newspapers in different US cities as well as all parts of the world. The site even has an archive of front pages. As an example, it is interesting to take a look at papers from around the world as written September 12, 2001.
(As an aside, it was also very interesting to see the country's take on last week's Blago stories!)
Application in the classroom:
English:Compare and contrast writing/reporting on specific events
ESL: Find a newspaper from a country/region of student's origin/language; write in English about the front page stories.
History: Take a look at historical events and how they were covered in different parts of the country/world.